"By dint of hard work for the country rendered in a spirit of selfless sevice may you march ahead with hope and courage as torch bearer of a peaceful revolution. Remember that in this dynamic world you must go forward or else you will be left behind."

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy

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Degree Course Structure Of PG English

The Post Graduate section of the Department of English, Bidhan Chandra College has been performing since 2013, under the Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, the founder faculty members being Dr Gautam Banerjee (Principal, Bidhan Chandra College), Prof. Sudeepta Banerjee (Head and Associate Professor, Dept of English), Dr Subhadeep Ray, Dr Santanu Banerjee, and Prof. Soumitra Roy (guest teacher). The activities of the First Head of the PG Department, Late Prof. Sudeepta Banerjee, with her tremendous sense of discipline and commitment, have continuously motivated the Department to achieve its academic goals irrespective of all kinds of hurdle. Besides their brilliant performance in the university examination, a number of the first batch PG students have already presented papers in National and University seminars. The PG Department itself conducted a Departmental Seminar on Shakespeare Studies, “The Tempest and Beyond! in 2013 for the students of KNU. In 2014, after the sad demise of Prof. Sudeepta Banerjee, the Department organized “Prof. Sudeepta Banerjee Special Lectures” delivered by Prof. Nandini Saha of Jadavpur University; and in 2015, with the help of the Dept of English, KNU, an informative session for Fulbright Scholarship was organized at this Department. With infrastructural facilities like well-equipped office, e-class room, language laboratory, the PG Department of English has also its own National level ISSN indexed Journal on Language and Literature Studies, impressions of eternity (ISSN: 2229-4813), publishing creative and critical works of a galaxy of nationally renowned authors. The Department has always been benefitted by the administrative and academic guidance of Dr Gautam Banerjee, an internationally acclaimed expert on Linguistics and also Cultural Studies. Other current faculty members are: Dr Subhadeep Ray, Head:Awarded with the Doctoral Degree by the Department of English, University of Kalyani, for his thesis on Joseph Conrad’s novels, Dr Ray completed a UGC sponsored research project on Popular Science Writings of the Bengal Renaissance. He is interested mainly in Cultural Studies and Modernism and well published in major national and international anthologies and journals (sharing same ‘contents’ with such luminaries like Amartya Sen, Ramachandra Guha, Bill Ashcroft, Amiya Dev, Uday Narayan Singh, and others) and has been offered recently the membership of the Joseph Conrad Society of America. Ms Sumbul Nasim:  An alumnus of the Bidhan Chandra College, she has completed her MA in 2013 from The University of Burdwan and qualified NET. Her main areas of academic interest are Postmodern Indian English Fiction and Post 1950’s British Fiction; her papers have been published in an international journal and a national level anthology. Ms Madhurai Gangopadhyay: An alumnus of Lady Brabourne College, and the University of Calcutta, she has completed her MA in 2015, and qualified Net; she specializes in Gender Studies and Children’s Literature. Her publications include “Of Witches and Women: A Study of the Harry Potter Series in the light of Feminism” in International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, and “Alternative Sexualities and ‘Other’ Gender Identities in Select Plays of Mahesh Dattani” published in Shrinkhala. Mr Debabrata Banerjee: A Doctoral Fellow at the Rabindra Bharati University, working on Diaspora Writing, he has recently joined the St. Xavier’s College, Asansol as a Full-time Faculty, and is a visiting teacher of this Department. His research papers have been published in View, Pursuits and other academic journals. Mr. Arup Ratan Basak:Approved part-time Lecturer of the department, an alumnus of BHU, he is doing his Ph. D. at the ISM, Dhanbad. Presently the Office of the Department is run by Mr Sourav Deoghoria, M.Sc. from the ELLIM University.